Pemahaman Pemain Game Online Higgs Domino Kecamatan Bebesen Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Terhadap Ayat-Ayat Tentang Judi


  • Zakiyan Rifqa UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh
  • Nurullah Nurullah UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh


Online Game;, Higgs Domino;, Gambling;



Alquran prohibited gambling because it has several dangerous things caused by playing gambling. Facts that happen right now is show that the problem of online gambling higgs domino has not completely resolved.  Its proven by the higgs domino which is played openly in public spaces. This study wanted to examine more deeply about how the higss domino players understand towards the verses about gambling  and the factors that cause some people in Bebesen Subdistrict Aceh Tengah Regency choose to play higgs domino as a side business. Research data collected through observations, interviews and documentation, further analyzed by descriptions. Research results shows that few player higgs domino have high level understanding of verses about gambling so wise to understand deeply. However few player higgs domino only capable to explain the meaning only in general explanation. The rest there are people who just understand that it is true that there are several verses in the quran that forbid gambling. The factors that cause online jury in the community of Bebesen Subdistrict Aceh Tengah Regency include: 1) Environmental factor and situation, 2) Social media factor, 3) Easy acces, 4) Curious and addiction, 5) Means to entertain yourself, 6) Perceptions about money, and 7) Lack of work field.





