El-Sunan: Journal of Hadith and Religious Studies 2024-07-29T17:20:22+00:00 Happy Saputra Open Journal Systems Majalah dan Perbudakan: Keabsahan Hadis dalam Soeara Moehammadijah Pra-Kemerdekaan 2024-07-29T17:20:22+00:00 Firman Firman Sukma Dahlia Nasution Annisa Fitri Azzahra Novizal Wendry <p>This study explores the role of the Soeara Moehammadijah magazine in disseminating Islamic religious teachings and fostering the spirit of independence during the Dutch colonial period, with a particular focus on its views on slavery. The magazine is selected as the primary subject due to its significant impact on spreading Islamic values, using hadiths as supporting evidence. The research employs archival and library investigations, utilizing contemporary sources to describe the historical context. Additionally, the Takhrij method is applied, using the Kanzul Ummal book to trace the original sources of the hadiths. The objective is to rediscover the original texts and evaluate the quality of the hadiths used by Soeara Moehammadijah to support arguments on slavery. The findings indicate the use of five hadiths in the article "Pemboedakan (Slavernij) di loear dan di dalam islam" by Abdullah Harharah, with varying grades of authenticity: Khatib al-Baghdadi's chain is graded as Hasan Li Ghairihi, Ibn Asakir's as Dhaif, Imam Bukhari's as Sahih, Imam Muslim's as Sahih, and Abu Nu’aim's as Dhaif. The study reveals that Harharah’s selection of hadiths to support the independence movement often deviated from the original texts, leading to omissions, modifications, and additions in both the chain of transmission (sanad) and the content (matn) of the hadiths.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi peran majalah Soeara Moehammadijah dalam menyebarkan ajaran agama Islam dan menumbuhkan semangat kemerdekaan selama masa kolonial Belanda, dengan fokus khusus pada pandangannya tentang perbudakan. Majalah ini dipilih sebagai subjek utama karena pengaruhnya yang signifikan dalam menyebarkan nilai-nilai Islam, menggunakan hadis sebagai bukti pendukung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode investigasi arsip dan perpustakaan, memanfaatkan sumber-sumber yang menggambarkan konteks sejarah saat itu. Selain itu, metode Takhrij diterapkan dengan menggunakan kitab Kanzul Ummal untuk melacak sumber asli dari hadis-hadis tersebut. Tujuannya adalah untuk menemukan kembali teks asli dan mengevaluasi kualitas hadis-hadis yang digunakan oleh Soeara Moehammadijah untuk mendukung argumen tentang perbudakan. Temuan menunjukkan penggunaan lima hadis dalam artikel "Pemboedakan (Slavernij) di loear dan di dalam Islam" oleh Abdullah Harharah, dengan variasi derajat keaslian: sanad Khatib al-Baghdadi dinilai sebagai Hasan Li Ghairihi, Ibn Asakir sebagai Dhaif, Imam Bukhari sebagai Sahih, Imam Muslim sebagai Sahih, dan Abu Nu’aim sebagai Dhaif. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa pemilihan hadis oleh Harharah untuk mendukung gerakan kemerdekaan sering kali menyimpang dari teks asli, yang mengakibatkan penghilangan, modifikasi, dan penambahan dalam sanad dan matn hadis.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Firman Firman, Sukma Dahlia Nasution, Annisa Fitri Azzahra, Novizal Wendry Fiqih al-Hadits lil-Imam Malik fi Kitabihi “Al-Muwatta”: Syarah Hadits “Fiman Adraka Rak'atan” Namuzajan 2024-07-28T17:21:31+00:00 Nur Baety Sofyan <p>This study aims to delve into the jurisprudence of hadith in the book “Al-Muwatta” by Imam Malik, with a specific focus on the explanation of the hadith “Man Adraka Rak`atan” as an example. An inductive and analytical approach is employed to elucidate several concepts, including the understanding of Imam Malik, the significance of the book “Al-Muwatta”, and the application of hadith jurisprudence in the book. The research begins with an explanation of Imam Malik and his book “Al-Muwatta”, as well as an introduction to the concept of hadith jurisprudence. The hadith jurisprudence method used by Imam Malik in “Al-Muwatta” is analyzed through the study of the hadith “Man Adraka Rak`atan”. The study concludes by presenting the main findings and citing the references used as the theoretical foundation. The findings reveal two main points: first, the understanding of hadith jurisprudence as the process of extracting legal rulings from hadith texts in accordance with Islamic jurisprudential principles; second, the application of hadith jurisprudence in the book “Al-Muwatta” by Imam Malik, which includes the methods used and other principles such as the authenticity of transmission, consistency in avoiding contradictions, and comprehension in line with the textual meaning.</p> <p><strong>ABSTRAK</strong></p> <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendalami fikih hadis dalam kitab “Al-Muwatta” karya Imam Malik, dengan fokus pada penjelasan hadis “Man Adraka Rak`atan” sebagai contoh. Pendekatan induktif dan analitis digunakan untuk memperjelas beberapa konsep, termasuk pemahaman tentang Imam Malik, pentingnya kitab “Al-Muwatta”, dan penerapan fikih hadis dalam kitab tersebut. Penelitian dimulai dengan penjelasan mengenai Imam Malik dan kitab “Al-Muwatta”, serta pengenalan konsep fikih hadis. Metode fikih hadis yang digunakan oleh Imam Malik dalam “Al-Muwatta” dianalisis melalui studi terhadap hadis “Man Adraka Rak`atan”. Penelitian ini diakhiri dengan menyajikan hasil-hasil utama yang dicapai dan menyebutkan referensi yang digunakan sebagai landasan teoritis. Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan dua hal utama: pertama, pengertian fikih hadis sebagai proses mengekstraksi hukum-hukum dari teks hadis sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip fikih Islam; kedua, penerapan fikih hadis dalam kitab “Al-Muwatta” karya Imam Malik, yang meliputi metode yang digunakan dan kaidah-kaidah lainnya seperti keaslian transmisi, keamanan dari pertentangan, dan pemahaman sesuai dengan makna teks.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Baety Sofyan Hadith Ahkam and the Qualifications for Fiqh Development 2024-07-28T17:21:07+00:00 Fauzi Saleh <p>Hadith Ahkam has historically received insufficient attention in the development of Islamic law, despite its critical role as the second primary source after the Quran. This qualitative study employs an Ulumul Hadith approach and utilizes documentation methods. The findings reveal, first, that Hadith Ahkam comprises the sayings, actions, and tacit approvals of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) with legal implications. Hadith Ahkam plays a significant role in the development of Islamic law, covering various aspects such as worship (ibadah), transactions (muamalah), and marriage (munakahah). Therefore, there is a need for a more representative understanding methodology to address contemporary issues from the perspective of the Sunnah of the Prophet. Second, the qualifications of a mujtahid in developing fiqh related to ahkam include proficiency in the Arabic language, understanding of Fiqh and Usul Fiqh, knowledge of Ilm Mukhtalaf al-Hadith, and awareness of classical and contemporary scholarly developments.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Fauzi Saleh Analyzing Hadith Sanad Validity: Steps to Assess Acceptance and Authenticity 2024-07-28T17:20:44+00:00 Nuraini Nuraini <p>Hadith does not possess the same textual certainty (qath'i al-wurud) and argument certainty (qath'i al-dalalah) as the Qur'an. Therefore, the discipline of hadith science was developed to ensure the authenticity of hadith through sanad (chain of transmission) and matan (content) criticism. Sanad criticism focuses on tracing the origin of hadith based on its narrators, while matan criticism evaluates the content of the text. This article aims to identify and verify the quality and authenticity of hadith by conducting an in-depth analysis of the sanad and matan. By exploring the characteristics and credibility of the narrators and the integrity of their transmission chain, the study distinguishes between sahih, hasan, and dha'if hadith based on authenticity and content relevance. Through the science of Takhrij al-Hadith, this research demonstrates that the validation of hadith authenticity is an essential and ongoing effort to preserve and understand the authentic teachings of Islam. The study also emphasizes the importance of Jarh wa Ta’dil in determining the fairness and precision of narrators, as well as investigating shudhudh (inconsistencies) and 'illat (hidden defects) in hadith.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nuraini Nuraini The Role of Jarh wa Ta'dil in Hadith Authentication 2024-07-28T17:20:18+00:00 Nurjannah Ismail <p>-</p> <p>The science of Jarh wa Ta'dil plays a pivotal role in the authentication of hadiths, aiding in determining the reliability of narrators. Through comprehensive definitions and classifications, Jarh wa Ta'dil provides a systematic approach to evaluate the integrity and precision of narrators. This study elucidates that Jarh, in its technical sense, refers to identifying characteristics that undermine a narrator’s reliability, while Ta'dil involves affirming qualities that establish a narrator’s trustworthiness. The conditions for scholars performing Jarh and Ta'dil are stringent, requiring profound knowledge, piety, honesty, and a thorough understanding of the causes of Jarh and Ta'dil. Mastery of the Arabic language and the ability to avoid bias are also emphasized to ensure accurate assessments. Methods used by scholars to evaluate narrators include relying on the reputation of narrators among other scholars and recommendations from just individuals. Conflicts between Jarh and Ta'dil are addressed by considering differing scholarly opinions. The study identifies six levels of Ta'dil and six levels of Jarh, which aid scholars in making nuanced judgments about narrators. In conclusion, the science of Jarh wa Ta'dil is indispensable for preserving the authenticity of hadiths, ensuring that only reliable narrations are accepted, and maintaining the integrity of Islamic teachings.</p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Nurjannah Ismail