
  • Nyong Eka Teguh Iman Santosa UIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya


Sukarno, Aji Pancasona, Historical Learning, Critical Pedagogy


This article focuses on the functional dimension of studying history, especially in universities. History education should enable students not only to understand past events methodically but more so that they are able to read critically and even be actively involved in the current history in their own time. This study uses Sukarno’s writing, Mentjapai Indonesia Merdeka, as an inspiration as well as a transformative pattern in the contemporary study of history. The pragmatic analysis is used to approach that goal. The most important lesson from his historical learning is the prophetic integration he carried out with the three dimensions of human existential time: past, present, and future. Knowledge of both archived history (sejarah terarsip) and hidden history (sejarah terpendam) can be contextualized to live progressively in the on-making history (sejarah bergerak) and imagined history (sejarah terbayang).


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